Upcoming Travel Posts & Sneakpeak

life, travel
So since I started this blog in late 2017 and I did a lot of travelling that year, I thought I’d share them here through photobooks with some text talking about the trip. You’ll notice that my face got chubbier and chubbier throughout, that’s because dissertation writing and pretty much the latter half of 3rd year caused me to stress eat a lot. Though I hate to admit it, I did stress eat. AAAAAND, travelling means trying different kinds of food so that didn’t help either.
Here are some of my fave photos from my trips with family, friends and my boyfriend.  I won’t say which places I went to, I’ll save them for the coming blog posts. Although some of you may have already been there or follow me on Instagram so yous know where I went already so I hope yous like these! I tried to limit photos with my family and boyfriend in them ‘cos I haven’t got their permissions yet but when I do and they’re fine with it, I’ll be posting more with them in 🙂
Gen xx




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